This is an annual award issued by the Revesby Workers Club to support players under 35 years with their tennis development, coaching, tournament and travel costs.
This award is NOW OPEN for applications. Applications will close 8 August 2020.
1. The Award is open to any registered CBTA player, up to 35 years of age, as at 30 November.
2. The Award seeks to encourage and assist future player development.
3. The Award confers a benefit of $2000 subject to compliance with certain CBTA participation requirements as outlined below.
4. The Selection Committee will be taking into account the following criteria:
a) Outstanding tennis achievements
b) Demonstrated Sportsmanship
c) Active support of CBTA
d) Commitment and participation to past and future CBTA activities, including, but not limited to:
1. CBTA Competitions - Juniors, Thursday Ladies, Thursday Gents, SAAM
2. Tournaments - participation in Junior Age or CBTA Championships
3. Interdistrict competition representing CBTA
4. Inter-association events
(Due to several events being postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions, considerations will be made based on past participation in such activities eg. representing CBTA in 2019 Interdistrict competition)
Applicant will be required to provide a written submission as to the above criteria and their commitment and participation with CBTA as well as where the funds will be applied to assist in the players future development in tennis.
Applications will close on FRIDAY 8 AUGUST 2020. Applications must be sent to either:
a) P.O. Box 346, Panania 2213, OR
b) Email to [email protected]
CBTA has absolute discretion in the interpretation and application of the conditions in respect of this Award and no correspondence will be entered into.
The Award for 2019 was shared between Matt Scheers and Christopher Sousou.. Congratulations to them both!.
This award is NOW OPEN for applications. Applications will close 8 August 2020.
1. The Award is open to any registered CBTA player, up to 35 years of age, as at 30 November.
2. The Award seeks to encourage and assist future player development.
3. The Award confers a benefit of $2000 subject to compliance with certain CBTA participation requirements as outlined below.
4. The Selection Committee will be taking into account the following criteria:
a) Outstanding tennis achievements
b) Demonstrated Sportsmanship
c) Active support of CBTA
d) Commitment and participation to past and future CBTA activities, including, but not limited to:
1. CBTA Competitions - Juniors, Thursday Ladies, Thursday Gents, SAAM
2. Tournaments - participation in Junior Age or CBTA Championships
3. Interdistrict competition representing CBTA
4. Inter-association events
(Due to several events being postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions, considerations will be made based on past participation in such activities eg. representing CBTA in 2019 Interdistrict competition)
Applicant will be required to provide a written submission as to the above criteria and their commitment and participation with CBTA as well as where the funds will be applied to assist in the players future development in tennis.
Applications will close on FRIDAY 8 AUGUST 2020. Applications must be sent to either:
a) P.O. Box 346, Panania 2213, OR
b) Email to [email protected]
CBTA has absolute discretion in the interpretation and application of the conditions in respect of this Award and no correspondence will be entered into.
The Award for 2019 was shared between Matt Scheers and Christopher Sousou.. Congratulations to them both!.